
P2GreenEST project, aiming at supporting European SMEs to access Green Public Procurement (GPP) opportunities in Eastern countries, is kick-starting… again.


Originally targeting Moldova and Ukraine’s green public procurement (GPP) markets, the project decided to hold its activities from April to November 2022 in view of the conflict context in Ukraine.

After 6 months of suspension, the project partners decided to include the Republic of Serbia as a new target market to the activities of the project. The GPP market in Ukraine being currently not accessible for European SMEs, the project will continue to stay aware of potential upcoming opportunities for the rest of the project life-span.

The coming months will be full of activities :

  • a package of webinars will be starting from January 2023 to educate and promote GPP opportunities in the targeted countries ;
  • a help-desk will be set up with local experts of the PP markets in order to support European SMEs process to access the markets ;
  • an e-watch system to track opportunities will be available on the project website ;
  • networking opportunities with other SMEs and local Public Procurers will be organised;
  • international trade missions in Moldova and Serbia will be organised.

The project consortium gathers Éa éco-entreprises Cluster (France), FADE – Asturian Federation of Entreprises (Spain), Green Energy Cluster (Romania) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova .

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To access the press release, click here.