
Challenges workshop 1 - 30/31st March, Bucharest, Romania

On 30th and 31st March, P2GreenEST partners will gather in Bucharest, Romania, for a project meeting and challenges workshop.

The partners will briefly review the previous months’ deliverables and actions before focussing on the upcoming activities: webinars for SMEs, help-desk and trade missions. Eventually, a steering committee will take place on 31st March in the morning to act on the upcoming project’s agenda.

A specific schedule to meet institutional partners as well as SMEs and local stakeholders will introduce the project partners to the Romanian ecosystem:

  • 30th March, “P2GreenEST partnership meets Romanian Institutional Partners”
  • 31St March, “Introduction to Romanian ecosystem: sustainability & collaboration opportunities for EU SMEs”

The sessions will include a project presentation and exchange of ideas about collaboration opportunities regarding participation in public procurement for the Romanian/EU SMEs and stakeholders.